ems; faqs

Ems Incontinence Treatment West Bridgford FAQS

Are you seeking a non-surgical resolution for your incontinence concerns?

Discover more about our advanced treatments designed to address this issue with utmost effectiveness and precision.

Why Choose Spire Aesthetics For Your Ems Incontinence Treatment West Bridgford?

  • We can offer EMS Incontinence Treatment West Bridgford in your own home
  • Do you have limited mobility?
  • Concerned about travelling to a clinic
  • Prefer the privacy and comfort of your own home
  • Our consultants will come to you
  • Why not speak to our team today to discuss a tailored treatment plan

Ems Incontinence Treatment West Bridgford Advantages:

  • This pelvic floor treatment is totally non invasive and safe. 
  • No Anaesthetic
  • Short Treatment Sessions Just 30 Mins
  • No Recovery Or Downtime After Treatment
  • 6 Short Treatments Are All That You Need
  • 100% Reliable & Safe
  • Ems Incontinence Treatment helps in bladder & pelvic muscle mass control
  • Discreet Your Remain Fully Clothed
  • Cost Effective Treatments

EMS Incontinence Treatment For Women West Bridgford:

It is widely acknowledged that as women age or have children, they are more prone to experiencing urinary incontinence compared to men.

Weak pelvic floor muscles can make it challenging to maintain bladder control.

Ems incontinence treatment consist of thousands of supramaximal pulses that effectively strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

After stimulation, both the bladder and pelvic floor muscles recover swiftly.

EMS Incontinence Treatment For Men West Bridgford:

Infections, prostate cancer cells, or anxiety can cause urinary incontinence and/or damage to intimate health.

Bladder control is affected as a result of weak Pelvic floor muscles.

If you are struggling with serious urinary incontinence, decreased sexual satisfaction, mixed incontinence or urge incontinence the high intensity focused electromagnetic of Ems incontinence treatment is the perfect treatment for pelvic floor muscles support.

Ems incontinence treatment uses hundreds of supramaximal tightenings per session to train the pelvic floor muscles and to regain bladder control.

Boosting the bladder and pelvic floor muscles may make a person more satisfied in their intimate relationships by pelvic floor tightening.

Weakened pelvic floor muscles can cause stress incontinence and urine leakage Ems incontinence treatment uses focused electromagnetic energy to treat urinary incontinence.

The Ems incontinence treatment for stress urinary incontinence aids clients in regained control of their pelvic muscles – this breakthrough treatment is highly regarded gynaecologists worldwide as a non invasive treatment solution.


Infections, prostate cancer cells, or anxiety can cause urinary incontinence and/or damage to intimate health.

Bladder control is affected as a result of weak Pelvic floor muscles.

If you are struggling with serious urinary incontinence, decreased sexual satisfaction, mixed incontinence or urge incontinence the high intensity focused electromagnetic of Ems incontinence treatment is the perfect treatment for pelvic floor muscles support.

Ems incontinence treatment uses hundreds of supramaximal tightenings per session to train the pelvic floor muscles and to regain bladder control.

Boosting the bladder and pelvic floor muscles may make a person more satisfied in their intimate relationships by pelvic floor tightening.

Weakened pelvic floor muscles can cause stress incontinence and urine leakage Ems incontinence treatment uses focused electromagnetic energy to treat urinary incontinence.

The Ems incontinence treatment for stress urinary incontinence aids clients in regained control of their pelvic muscles – this breakthrough treatment is highly regarded gynaecologists worldwide as a non invasive treatment solution.

Ems incontinence treatment West Bridgford - What Are The Benefits?

Why Do People Have Incontinence?

As a medical term, “incontinence” defines the failure to stop the flow of urine.

Weakness in the pelvic flooring muscular tissues, which support and also regulate continence, might be the cause of this trouble in some women.

Lifestyle changes can only do so much Ems incontinence treatment will give you stronger pelvic floor muscles.

An urinary incontinence diagnosis is used among 3 methods:

Since tension can impact the bladder and trigger it to leak, we call this condition “tension as well as stress and anxiety urinary system incontinence.” Snorting and coughing have been found to be two of the most usual reasons for this

Ems incontinence treatment West Bridgford - FAQS:

At our core, we prioritize your safety and satisfaction.

That’s why we exclusively utilize the most innovative and advanced technology available.

We understand that each client is unique, which is why we provide a personalized Ems incontinence treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Here are some frequently asked questions and their corresponding responses:

1. How many therapy sessions should I expect?

The number of sessions can vary depending on individual circumstances, but typically we recommend 6 sessions.

2. Is Ems incontinence treatment safe?

Ems incontinence treatment is both FDA and clinical CE approved.

It has been extensively studied and proven effective in treating urinary incontinence and intimate discomfort.

To learn more about Ems incontinence treatment, our trained clinicians will provide detailed information during your consultation.

3. Is the Ems incontinence treatment painful?

The vast majority of patients report no pain or discomfort during the treatment. After a session, you are free to continue with your daily activities.

4. How soon can I expect to see results?

Results may vary based on factors such as age and physical condition.

However, most individuals notice immediate results after starting Ems incontinence treatment.

The number of successful outcomes tends to increase over time. It’s important to note that this non-invasive pelvic floor muscle treatment is completely safe.

5. How long do the results of the treatment last?

According to research, the majority of patients maintain their results for up to six months after treatment.

We recommend a follow-up examination after six months to determine if additional therapy is needed. Long-term success requires a commitment to maintaining your health.

6. What happens during the treatment?

A single Ems incontinence treatment session generates numerous Kegel-like contractions, effectively training your muscles.

Overall, 86% of patients reported an increase in overall happiness and satisfaction, with 90% of incontinent patients experiencing significant improvement.

7. How many sessions are usually required for complete recovery?

Your treatment plan will be customized to your specific needs.

Most individuals require six sessions, with two sessions per week over a three-week period.

For maintenance, an occasional session every three to twelve months is typically sufficient, barring extreme cases.

8. How soon will I see results?

Most people start to feel and see the benefits after just two or three sessions. Some individuals may even experience improvement after just one session, although it may take a few more sessions to observe the full impact on your symptoms.

9. Are there any differences between Ems incontinence treatment and Kegel exercises?

The Ems incontinence treatment offers superior strength and efficacy, producing better results in less time.

It activates all of your pelvic floor muscles, providing a comprehensive workout that goes beyond traditional Kegel exercises.

In fact, a single 28-minute chair session is equivalent to 11,000 pelvic floor exercises.

We hope this information helps clarify any questions you may have about Ems incontinence treatment.

If you have any further queries, please don’t hesitate to reach out.